Thieving Imps!

So I sat down to draw, having an idea of what I wanted to draw, then this came out, only the eggplant is the same. I’ve done pieces about things being stolen in the past, there’s something appealing about an unseen, invisible world doing what it will. Today I sat down to work on a piece about a fellow by the name of Tom who was a living, breathing monster. That story was found in the copy of Blue Hills and Shoefly Pies by Ann Hark. I had checked it out at the library several years ago but hadn’t managed to finish it then. On a whim I looked it up and have been swept away in her tales of journeys across Lebanon and Lancaster counties. In many ways the world she writes about is only a memory on the pages anymore. However I have been taken by the book upon this second investigation. Fingers crossed, I’ll have my illustration and the tale of the monster named Tom ready for you by next week.
